Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trig Palin

I saw this on (she is the awesome woman who created the T21 Traveling Afghan Project) I couldn't believe what I was reading...a website has been established to organize a national day of prayer for order to "cure" his Down Syndrome.

Yes, you read that right, they want to "cure" his Down syndrome to prove that God exists. I'm not even quite sure where to begin with this one. Crazy Mad...that's where. This brings me back to a question I was once asked if you could take away Rustin's Down syndrome would you? Although that is a small part of who he is it also makes up that face I Love so much and his personality that makes me laugh every day he has taught us so much and we have become a part of a great organization DSACT and have meet so many awesome people. So with that in mind I would have to say NO. Would I take away the challenges he faces and the health issues and the people who don't have any compassion. I would have to say YES on those things. So its a tough question. By praying away his extra chromosome, you are asking God to change who he is as a person and he is just as God meant for him to be. Amazing, handsome, smart, funny little boy who brings joy and smiles to everyone he meets. There are so many other things to being praying for so let our kids be who they are meant to be, extra chromosome and all.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Christi! Rustin has made our family much closer than ever before! Rustin is my awesome, handsome, wonderful nephew - who I would not change him for anything! As mom said when dad died - God only gives you as much as you can handle - and God chose you and troy to be his parents and chose us to be his family!!

Love ya,

Shaun said...

Christi, you are awesome! I am so proud to know you and to know Rustin. Amen to everything you said...I could not agree more!!

ds.mama said...

"There are so many other things to being praying for so let our kids be who they are meant to be, extra chromosome and all."
