Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Orthopedic Appt

We spent 3 hrs at the DCMC specialty clinic yesterday for our appt that we have had for over 6mths. with the orthopedic Dr. that can read and explain more about the Atlantio axial instability that the radiologist gave us a Positive (which is not a good thing in this case) read. They took another set of Xrays and after reading both a team of Dr's agreed that he is only at a 4 which at this point he is not concerned about and released him for Hippotherapy n sports. Yeah! We are to check back in 2 years to repeat the Xrays. I called to register him for hippotherapy and of course they are full. What a bummer we are on the waiting list. But I did sign him up for the Miracle League Fall Ball. Yeah!!

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